Woman sitting with laptop on the floor

OVB Blog

On our OVB Holding blog, we provide articles about careers, trends in the world of work, self-development and society. We give experts a voice, share practical tips and offer insights into our company.

| OVB Holding AG

The Focus is on People: Employees are the Most Important Thing

Modern companies are focusing more and more on employees as their most important resource. Rightly so: What would a company be without the many people in the background who work every day so that they all advance together? That is why one thing is at the heart of everything we do - our employees.

80 is the new 70: How our life expectancy grows and grows

| OVB Holding AG

80 is the new 70: How our life expectancy grows and grows

130 years and more: Will we all be that old soon and happily play football in the garden with our great-great-grandchildren in the future? Since the beginning of the 20th century, our life expectancy has more than doubled and is 73 years worldwide by now - in Europe even 81 years! But what will happen next? Will we become older and older or have we already reached the upper limit?

InsurTechs & Co – the future of the insurance industry

| OVB Holding AG

InsurTechs and Smart Contracts – A look into the future of the insurance industry

Changing rates online, consultation per video chat, and uploading a quick picture in case of damage to the car: Digitalisation has already arrived in the supposedly old-fashioned insurance world. InsurTechs are turning the insurance industry upside down. InsurTechs, artificial intelligence and smart contracts are bringing some fresh air into the industry.

Financial Education? – No Such Thing

| OVB Holding AG

Financial education: How financially literate is Europe?

Financial education? No such thing! Almost half of all Europeans describe themselves as financially illiterate. The situation is especially dire in the UK and Germany, but there is a great need to catch up in other countries, too, such as France, Italy and Austria. This problem hasn’t changed so far, as surveys of young people show.

| OVB Holding AG

Five preconceptions about financial advisors – debunked

Financial advisors are only looking to make a profit, they’re untrustworthy, expensive or incompetent – what’s the deal with the most common preconceptions about financial advisors? And where do they actually come from? We set the record straight on what’s behind the five most common myths, and how to properly recognise good financial advice when you see it.

| OVB Holding AG

With a keen eye on the future: How we are dealing with the coronavirus crisis at OVB

For more than a year now, we have been living in exceptional circumstances and the Covid-19 pandemic is still dominating our lives. It’s important to us that we can still help our customers, even in these difficult times, but the safety of our employees and customers is always our top priority. We are focusing on the future and are convinced that OVB will come out of this crisis stronger.

Rentenalter in Europa

| OVB Holding AG

Retirement in Europe: When are Europeans allowed to retire?

An aging society and not enough children – the dilemma of demographic change is a topic all over Europe. Increasing retirement age seems to be inescapable for many countries. Others forgo this measure, as the following comparison will show.

| OVB Holding AG

Human vs. machine – Personal insurance consulting is a must

Our everyday life is becoming more and more digital. For a long time now, when shopping for new products we prefer going to online search engines over talking to specialists. For insurance products, the situation is a bit different: a personal consultant is necessary.

| OVB Holding AG

Maternity protection and parental leave in Europe – What countries have the best conditions?

Support services and claims for parental leave differ from country to country. Germany performs relatively poorly here – however, only at first glance.