Our focus is entirely on people

For this reason, we let our customers and financial consultants do the talking. They tell us their very personal OVB stories.

A company’s history is written by people

Without our customers and financial consultants, there would be no OVB. Very different characters and their personal stories are what makes our company what it is. For this reason, we let the people behind the company do the talking – all over Europe. Our customer talk about what the services of OVB mean to them in everyday life, what goals and wishes they were able to realize with the help of their financial consultant, or when OVB supported them in difficult times.

Our financial consultants provide close up and personal insights into their individual success stories. What does it mean to have a career in an international financial company? What is it like to be part of the OVB team? What values are important to us and what makes our job so special?

“Take the first step! This pushed me a lot as a financial advisor“.

Sascha Dastl
Country Director for OVB

“With a strong will you can achieve anything in life“!

Jutta Schlag-Fischer
Country Director for OVB

“OVB has been helping me with my finances and taking care of my family for years. We are united by our desire for perfection“.

Zuzana Rehák-Štefečeková
Olympic champion in sport shooting

“Financial literacy breeds prosperity. That's why my mission at OVB is to educate people about finance“.

Luis Ignacio Fernández Irigoyen
Financial Consultant for OVB

“My OVB advisor is a person I trust. He guides me and my family through every situation in life“.

Simone Concina
Sales Director

“OVB helped us in a financial emergency. Now we are doing our best to offer our customers practical help and advice“.

Janka Beníková
Financial Advisor for OVB

“If you keep setting yourself new goals in life, you'll succeed“.

Victor Zubaj
Country Director for OVB

“My needs for financial advice are just as varied as my flowers - but OVB always has the right solution to hand“.

Eva Chlupáčková
Owner of a florist shop

“At OVB, gender equality is lived every day. It is not gender but individual performance that determines how one's career progresses“.

Maria del Carmen Lucena Martin
Regional Director for OVB

“As an athlete, my health is my capital. OVB helps me prepare for emergencies optimally“.

Norbert Dudás
Professional gymnast

“With OVB I can have a career all over Europe“.

Arpád Horváth
Financial Advisor for OVB

“OVB has given me the opportunity to build a career and finally put my past behind me“.

Michał Dobroś
Financial Consultant for OVB

“OVB had already thought about my future, before I had even begun to think about it“.

Sławomir Nizio

“Helping others is my calling. And OVB always has my back“.

Karoline Kaltenbacher
Social worker

“Together we can master any challenge - both at work and in sports“.

Emanuel Warzecha
Regional Director for OVB

“While I live in the present, I still have an eye on the future. Every party comes to an end and thanks to OVB I am prepared for everything“.

Jannis Schreiner
DJ and computer scientist

“You have to be smart and plan for life after the end of your career - and this is exactly what I have been doing for years with OVB“.

Valent Sinković
World Rowing Champion

“Thanks to our mutual support and trust in the OVB system, we are walking on the path to success together - both professionally and privately“.

Ladislav und Markéta Zajíc
Country Director for OVB

“I am a mother and a business woman. And I am successful in both areas – because I work at OVB“.

Melinda Csányi
District Director for OVB