Woman in front of laptop

Unsere Strategie: »OVB Excellence 2027«

A new strategy period: Evolution is followed by Excellence

We have successfully completed our strategy period “OVB Evolution 2022” and made significant progress in many areas. Over the past five years, we exploited our potential, advanced in digital transformation, modernised the company and accelerated our ongoing international expansion.

Now it is time to pave the way, to step into the future strengthened and sustained as well as to master new challenges.

Our new corporate strategy is “OVB Excellence 2027”.

OVB board group photo

This is what “Excellence” means to us:

Mindset and attitude

“Excellence” is above all one thing in particular for us: a mindset, an attitude, or more precisely, a certain way of thinking, with which we act in a solution-oriented manner and master even demanding challenges.

Drive and curiosity

“Excellence” means to us always staying curious, never resting on our laurels and constantly developing. We have consciously decided to let “Excellence” define everything we do in the future. This attitude is something we want to anchor at all levels of the company.

Path and solution

“Excellence” is the path we are taking, step by step using ideas and impulses to be able to offer our customers the best long term solutions. Because after all, this is the only way we can not only remain successful, but also become even more successful.

Our vision

We offer our customers excellent allfinanz advisory through our highly qualified financial advisors.

When people in Europe are asked who is at their side when it comes to all questions relating to financial services, the answer is: OVB!

Man looks into the distance

Our mission

We provide a socially valuable service by protecting our customers against a wide variety of risks thanks to our allfinanz advisory approach, helping them to achieve their personal aspirations and goals.

We offer ambitious financial advisors the most attractive business model and career system in the financial services sector in Europe.

Man and woman during consulting

At the centre of “OVB Excellence 2027” are our customers

Our highly qualified OVB financial advisors determine the financial situation and needs of their customers and develop customised solutions based on their financial capabilities.

In a changing world, OVB is by your side as a long-term partner and offers added value to society with its allfinanz advisory approach.

With our new corporate strategy, we are targeting four focal topics in particular:

Sales and Career Excellence

The centrepiece of our strategy is to further strengthen and optimise our core sales activities.

This involves onboarding new financial advisors, expanding our qualification and training, and further enhancing the expertise of our sales executives.

The advancement of the service concept for our customers and the development of a user-oriented customer platform will contribute to an even higher satisfaction and long-term loyalty of our customers.

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Expansion and Innovation

Our Europe-wide positioning ensures stability and independence. We intend to strengthen and enhance our business model in a focused way. We plan to forge ahead with continued expansion nationally and internationally across Europe. Alongside organic growth, we intend to take advantage of inorganic growth opportunities as well.

In addition to that, we will identify and pursue innovative approaches for our customers, financial advisors and employees. An “Innovation Think Tank” will serve as a source of inspiration for further developments aimed at strengthening and enhancing the business model.

Glass building with European flags in front

Operational Excellence

For us, “Operational Excellence” means consistently implementing innovative and fully automated digital processes in the back office and in sales. This enables us to work continuously to improve processes and standards and reduce administrative activities.

In turn we are promoting scalability, supporting further growth, and again accelerating the digital transformation of the Group that has already been initiated in all areas of the company.

At the same time, we thereby support the complete fulfilment of all compliance requirements and provide our customers, financial advisors and employees with an up-to-date and comprehensive database.

People and Organization

The driving forces behind our success are our competent employees. We want to provide them with even more targeted support and training.

We aim to further strengthen international cooperation between sales, back office, and the holding company. This will help to drive forward the joint development of the Group. The pursuit of achieving the goals for the Group together is based on strong shared values and a high level of identification with OVB.

Two men in conversation

Our responsibility

OVB meets its corporate responsibility by advocating the sustainable development of the economy, society and the environment as part of our corporate culture. For us, this particularly includes the promotion of continuous financial education of the people in order to build up sustained financial literacy within the society. In addition, OVB is gradually expanding its Europe-wide partner and product portfolio with ESG-compliant offerings.

Beyond our actual business activities, we are committed to social issues in the long term. We also encourage our financial advisors and employees throughout the Group to take on social responsibility. We are proud of all those who volunteer their time and skills to charitable institutions. Internationally, we want to further strengthen such commitment.

Children smile at the camera