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OVB Blog

On our OVB Holding blog, we provide articles about careers, trends in the world of work, self-development and society. We give experts a voice, share practical tips and offer insights into our company.

| OVB Holding AG

How safe is online banking?

Get an account statement, transfer money, set up standing orders: online banking is popular. But how safe is it all?

| OVB Holding AG

Telehealth – a revolution in health care

Slowly but surely, digitalization is also reaching the health care systems of Europe. Telehealth and digital innovation have the potential to revolutionize European health care systems and provide patients with better care.

| OVB Holding AG

Telematics: What can modern car rates do?

Those who drive safely and defensively have fewer accidents and represent a smaller risk in traffic. Wouldn't it be great if car insurances would reward this? It would and they do! So-called telematics rates monitor individual driver behavior and are becoming increasingly popular, especially in Europe.

| OVB Holding AG

Commuting as a "second job" – an additional stress factor?

Opinion is split when it comes to the daily commute. For some, it is the embodiment of stress and time-wasting, while others use the time productively and have a more positive view of their long commute.

| OVB Holding AG

ETFs – The deal with exchange traded funds

Almost everyone has heard about ETFs, but only very few people know how they actually work. Are they really a sensible supplement to your investment plan or just hype?

| OVB Holding AG

Car insurance in the age of autonomous driving

Autonomous driving will undoubtedly make our lives easier. However, there are still a few issues that need to be clarified before that can happen. What about insurance cover, for example?

| OVB Holding AG

How does the stock market work?

Most people know that shares are traded on the stock market. But typically their financial education ends there. This is surprising, given that the functionalities of the stock market can be quickly explained.

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| OVB Holding AG

Fear of poverty in old age – Which pension system is the safest?

More than half of all millennials fear poverty in old age. It ranks high in terms of fears for the future; only the fear of terrorism is greater. Scepticism about the performance of the statutory pension is a major factor. Still, only 45.8 % of Gen Y is already saving for retirement.1

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| OVB Holding AG

Pop-up money – Does it pay to invest in cryptocurrency?

Bitcoin, XRP, and Co. – It was difficult to escape the hype about cryptocurrencies. New regularly reported on price explosions, young self-made millionaires, and high potential profits. In December 2017, Bitcoin celebrated its absolute peak with a value of almost 20.000 USD. In the meantime, the hype around the virtual currency seems to have died down. Still, one-third of all Germans considers cryptocurrency as an investment.