Secured in case of emergency

Sławomir Nizio was in the prime of his life. In his everyday life, with his wife and children, possible health problems were far from his mind. Nevertheless, he asked his OVB advisor to recommend an insurance policy that would secure his family's future in case of illness. Nobody thought that this policy would pay for itself just a few months later.

A diagnosis changed everything

Life can sometimes be turned upside down in a second. Sławomir enjoyed every day with his family. In their free time they went on a lot of trips, especially by bike. His health was always excellent, as he was only 30 years old. One day, however, he began to be plagued by slight vertigo. Sławomir decided to go to the doctor. After several examinations he received the shocking diagnosis: a brain tumor. In an emergency operation the large foreign body was removed from his brain. Fortunately, the operation went well and to the surprise of the doctors, Sławomir was able to walk again the very next day. Nevertheless, the young man still had a long way ahead of him in rehabilitation.

A silver lining

When the main breadwinner in a family unexpectedly becomes unable to work and his income suddenly disappears, this usually represents a heavy financial burden. Fortunately, this was not the case during Sławomir's treatment. A few months earlier he had sought advice from his OVB advisor Ania Krukowski. Together they went through all his insurance contracts to see what precautionary measures might still be missing. Ania advised him to take out an insurance policy that would protect his family if anything happened to him. "Thanks to Ania, we are financially secure during my illness and convalescence. Without the insurance payout, we would have had to draw on our savings, which would have only been sufficient for a limited period of time," says Sławomir.